Blue Mussels in Decline by Sue Pike October 15 2016 The York Weekly/York County Coast Star/Portsmouth Herald/Fosters Daily/Exeter News My neighbor’s brother lives along the coast in Ipswich Massachusetts. All of his life he has gathered oysters, clams and mussels from the mudflats and rocky shoreline near his house. He had noticed their population declining over the past couple of years but as of this summer all of his mussels were gone. I like to mussel, it’s easy and I love those chewy orange nuggets, especially steamed with garlic and photo by Sue Pike Blue mussels at low tide butter and wine. Like my neighbor’s brother, I too have been having to search farther and farther afield for these tasty morsels, but I didn’t really think about it being a widespread problem until my neighbor called and asked about what was happening at her brothers. I had missed a report that came out back in July; researchers (Sorte et al., ...